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Welcome The all-new UFO ETI Files website is back on and chock full of videos, discussion, resources and more!

In a nutshell, we've set up an online worldwide web reference network for reports, documentation, evidence, history and hypothesis – as well as a forum for open discussion of UFO phenomena and ETI contact.

We are facilitating the dispersion of various files, accounts, theories, feeds and content as a free service to the community. We neither endorse nor dispute the content presented here.

We bring useful things together here on this subject in a concise, easy to navigate platform. We do not charge users for access or require membership. If you are a human being, this is an existential topic that we all share interest in.

Our website is still developing in many areas. For instance, we are still installing our forum to post comments, content, reports, etc. — and we also provide a Contact Form for questions and suggestions regarding the website. Enjoy!